- SumiyaKiho-an.
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- Exclusive special offer for official website user!
Exclusive special offer for official website user!
In February, still chill and cold days, but it starts to bloom the plum flower,
Spring is just around the corner.
Well, we have the good news, when you make a reservation in our official website,
you get Exclusive special offer and Best rate Guarantee for booking.
<Special 1> Cafe coupon ( per adult, 1 ticket)
<Special 2> Present Japanese good and usefil item(1 item per adult,
by our recommended selection only)
Make a reservation
- KYOTO SUMIYA Kiho-an Renewal open !! April 26,2021
- 京都 正月行事 JAN.7th 「七草粥 Nanakusa gayu」 Seven spring herbs
- 冬至 Winter Solstice “To-Ji” 柚子湯
- Free shuttle going out to watch the twinkle fireflys! 蛍の夕べ
- Ume blooming 2020 Spring
- ひなまつり The doll’s festival 2020
- SETSUBUN 2020 Spring
- 紅葉 2019 at Sumiya Kiho-an beautiful autumnal scene with red leaves
- Austlia wine [Heurige] party
- Austrian Wine by the glass campaign 2019