- SumiyaKiho-an.
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- Kyoto’s information~Matsunoo Taisha Shrine ~
Kyoto’s information~Matsunoo Taisha Shrine ~
Matsunoo Taisha Shrine, familiarly known as Matsuo-san, is the dominant Shinto shrine in the western part of Kyoto, and serves residents of Nishikyo-ku, Ukyoku, Shimogyo-ku and Minami-ku : about one third of Kyoto’s population.(Copyright@Matsunoo Taisha shrine website)
From Yunohana Onsen hot spring resort, app 40 min. 【Sumiya Kiho-an ⇒ JRKameoka ⇒ JR Saga Arashiyama by taxi 10 min. ⇒ Matsunoo Taisha Shrine 】
松尾大社 節分祭 Matsunoo Taisha Shrine Spring SETSUBUN festival On 3rd February 13:00 ~
- KYOTO SUMIYA Kiho-an Renewal open !! April 26,2021
- 京都 正月行事 JAN.7th 「七草粥 Nanakusa gayu」 Seven spring herbs
- 冬至 Winter Solstice “To-Ji” 柚子湯
- Free shuttle going out to watch the twinkle fireflys! 蛍の夕べ
- Ume blooming 2020 Spring
- ひなまつり The doll’s festival 2020
- SETSUBUN 2020 Spring
- 紅葉 2019 at Sumiya Kiho-an beautiful autumnal scene with red leaves
- Austlia wine [Heurige] party
- Austrian Wine by the glass campaign 2019