- SumiyaKiho-an.
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- YEBISU night えべっさん 宵ゑびす
YEBISU night えべっさん 宵ゑびす
YEBISU night えべっさん 宵ゑびす celebration night YEBISU birthday’ s eve, prayed for a thriving business.
A lot of people who owned their business and co-worker is going there.
Japanese festival called TOKA YEBISU, 11th and 12th Jan. is good to visit to make a wish for good health and home safety, to be good luck and fortune!!
Kyoto YEBISU Jinjya shrine
- KYOTO SUMIYA Kiho-an Renewal open !! April 26,2021
- 京都 正月行事 JAN.7th 「七草粥 Nanakusa gayu」 Seven spring herbs
- 冬至 Winter Solstice “To-Ji” 柚子湯
- Free shuttle going out to watch the twinkle fireflys! 蛍の夕べ
- Ume blooming 2020 Spring
- ひなまつり The doll’s festival 2020
- SETSUBUN 2020 Spring
- 紅葉 2019 at Sumiya Kiho-an beautiful autumnal scene with red leaves
- Austlia wine [Heurige] party
- Austrian Wine by the glass campaign 2019