- SumiyaKiho-an.
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- Healthy Japanese style breakfast in Ryokan, B&B stay package
Healthy Japanese style breakfast in Ryokan, B&B stay package
Healthy Japanese style Breakfast
The food used local speciality vegetable made in Kameoka,
Hand made Tofu, Grilled fish, Miso-soup and our local speciality for rice
fresh cooked in the Kitchen
Salad [use north area vegetable of Kyoto], and side dishes as buffet style etc…
B&B in Japanese Onsen Ryokan
Soak in a hot spring in the morning before having healthy Japanese style Breakfast and
Start new your wonderful day.
Reservation from ↓↓↓
Healthy Japanese Style Breakfast in Ryokan, B&B style pakege
- KYOTO SUMIYA Kiho-an Renewal open !! April 26,2021
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- Ume blooming 2020 Spring
- ひなまつり The doll’s festival 2020
- SETSUBUN 2020 Spring
- 紅葉 2019 at Sumiya Kiho-an beautiful autumnal scene with red leaves
- Austlia wine [Heurige] party
- Austrian Wine by the glass campaign 2019