- SumiyaKiho-an.
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- KYOTO SAKURA’s information ~Full cherry Blossoms at Keage Incline~
KYOTO SAKURA’s information ~Full cherry Blossoms at Keage Incline~
Keage Incline is an inclined railroad for carrying boats from Keage Funadamari to Nanzenji Funadamari. It was completed in January, 1890 and next year, in December 1891, it started to run. Keage incline was stopped in November 1948, but people missed it, and now, the truck and 30 boats that went along the incline were restored.
(Copyrighted: http://www.kyoto-okazaki.jp/spot/keage-incline/)
It is the highlight of sightseeing in Kyoto!!
You will be able to enjoy your excursion in a day.
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